Advanced Basement Solutions provides professional yard Drainage Systems installation in Fairfield, CT and surrounding areas. Our drainage system solutions for a yard are essential for managing water flow, preventing flooding, erosion, and maintaining the health of plants. Here are some common yard drainage solutions in Fairfield, CT we provide:

1. French Drains

  • Description: A French drain is a trench filled with gravel or rock that contains a perforated pipe. It redirects surface water or groundwater away from specific areas.
  • Ideal For: Areas with heavy water accumulation or along the foundation of the house to prevent water damage.
  • Installation: A trench is dug, the pipe is placed in the trench with proper slope for water flow, and it’s covered with gravel or soil.

2. Channel Drains (Trench Drains)

  • Description: A channel drain is a long, narrow drain covered by a grate, often used along driveways, patios, or other hard surfaces.
  • Ideal For: Directing water away from flat surfaces like patios, driveways, and walkways where water might pool.
  • Installation: A trench is dug along the path of water flow, and a grated drain is placed at the surface to capture runoff and direct it to a drainage outlet.

3. Dry Wells

  • Description: A dry well is an underground structure that collects and slowly disperses water into the surrounding soil.
  • Ideal For: Low areas in the yard where water tends to pool, or areas where other drainage solutions may not be feasible.
  • Installation: A large pit is dug and filled with gravel or a specialized drainage container, allowing water to percolate into the soil over time.

4. Swales

  • Description: A swale is a shallow, sloped trench or depression designed to direct water runoff to a designated area, such as a rain garden or drainage ditch.
  • Ideal For: Large lawns or areas where water naturally flows or pools.
  • Installation: Swales are created by grading the land to form a natural slope, sometimes lined with grass or gravel to slow water flow and prevent erosion.

5. Gutter and Downspout Extensions

  • Description: Gutter downspout extensions direct rainwater from your roof away from the foundation and toward a drainage area.
  • Ideal For: Directing roof runoff to avoid flooding near the foundation.
  • Installation: Attach extensions to your gutter downspouts to move water farther away from the home. They can be buried underground or extended to a specific discharge point.

6. Rain Gardens

  • Description: A rain garden is a shallow, planted depression that absorbs and filters rainwater runoff.
  • Ideal For: Collecting and absorbing runoff from roofs, driveways, and other impermeable surfaces.
  • Installation: Digging a shallow basin, planting native plants with deep root systems that absorb water, and ensuring that water can filter through the soil.

7. Grading

  • Description: Grading involves reshaping the slope of your yard to direct water away from the house and toward a safe discharge point.
  • Ideal For: Preventing water from pooling around the foundation or in low-lying areas.
  • Installation: Excavating and reshaping the ground to create a natural slope that allows water to flow in a desired direction.

8. Permeable Paving

  • Description: Permeable paving materials (like permeable pavers, gravel, or porous concrete) allow water to pass through and absorb into the ground, reducing runoff.
  • Ideal For: Patios, driveways, and walkways in areas with drainage issues.
  • Installation: Permeable materials are installed with a sublayer that promotes water infiltration into the soil below.

9. Sump Pump Systems

  • Description: A sump pump system collects and pumps excess water away from areas prone to flooding or water accumulation.
  • Ideal For: Yards with high water tables or low-lying areas that frequently flood.
  • Installation: A sump pit is installed, and the pump automatically moves excess water to a drainage point when the water level rises.

10. Catch Basins

  • Description: A catch basin is an underground box with a grate on top, designed to collect surface water runoff and direct it into a drainage system.
  • Ideal For: Areas prone to water pooling, such as near patios, driveways, or downspouts.
  • Installation: A basin is installed underground and connected to a drainage pipe that leads to a discharge point.

11. Pop-Up Emitters

  • Description: A pop-up emitter is a discharge outlet connected to your drainage system that remains closed until water pressure causes it to “pop up” and release water.
  • Ideal For: Dispersing water from downspout extensions or other drainage systems away from the foundation or low-lying areas.
  • Installation: Connected to the end of a drainage pipe and installed at ground level. It opens when water needs to be discharged.

The best landscape drainage solution depends on the unique conditions of your yard, including the slope, soil type, and typical water flow patterns. A combination of these solutions may be needed to effectively manage water in your yard. Contact us today at (203) 274-8802 to schedule a quick no-cost quote! You can click the following link to view some of our 5-star Reviews.

Service Areas:

Advanced Basement Solutions is based in Stamford, CT and services the following and surrounding towns of; Weston, Westport, Norwalk, Fairfield, Darien, Trumbull, Bridgeport, Stratford, Stamford, Danbury, Shelton, Greenwich, New Canaan, Ridgefield, Easton and beyond!